Jennifer Bahn Photography: Welcome To The World!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Welcome To The World!

This little man is just two weeks old and I got to spend the morning with him today.  What better way to spend a morning than with an adorable little newborn?!  He was such a doll, and he let me know who was in charge today.  We worked on his time, and he didn't sleep too much for us, but we were quick, and he did great!  Hopefully he was a good napper for you this afternoon mom and dad.  Thanks for having me, and I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!
I'm a sucker for newborns in black and white, so there are quite a few!

My fave fave fave!  Look at those smoochable little lips!

A new blanket and a new swaddle wrap

Love the hand up by the face
Checking me out
And of course some sweet baby toes

1 comment:

ajs {of MN} said...

I love these!! great job Jennifer! the one where he is checking you out is my fav!! he is doing a signature "schlomka" thing with both of his hands! both our Grandpa and Dad do this... sooo cute! :)