Happy Birthday To You!! I got to spend my morning with this handsome little man..and it just so happens to be his 1st birthday today! He is SUCH a one year-old boy, and he made me work for it! I chased this little guy all over, and every once in awhile he would decide I was worthy of a glance, and that killer smile of his! There was a beautiful path near their home that was perfect for a walk and some photos. These one year-old boys lately are just making my heart melt. Love em! Here are a few from this morning. Hope you like them!
Love the little grin here - it's like he is saying to me "Better get a picture of me sitting still now!" :)

Exploring like little boys should

His mom found these overalls I used from another session. I just love them! His dad plays baseball, so this was perfect. We did a little vintage look on this one too..kind of fun :)

Love this one too..so funny! He would run right past me, and give me these looks just as he went by me for about 1 second!

And a few of their beautiful family

The colors look awesome here..nice job coordinating mom!!

Love it