This morning I got to photography these two little sweeties, just one day after they turned 3 months old! I got to take their photos when they were newborns too, and oh how they've grown. Brother L. has Miss O. beat though in the size department. She is definitely the princess and he already seems like the protector! They are just too cute for words. Here are a couple from our session this morning.
Brother and Sister - Love how mom coordinated their outfits!

Tried something fun, so beautiful with their eyes!

Pretty O

Big girl!

LOVE this one..I know she isn't looking, but I love her eyes and expression, like she is really thinkng about something..

Handsome Mr. O.

Again..those blue eyes on this blanket are awesome

This one cracks me up..such a little man hanging out - he looks full and content, I think this was right after a bottle :)