This morning I got the pleasure of visiting a teacher I used to teach with at New Prague, to take some photos of her amazingly beautiful family before they headed off on a little vacation. Her kids and their families are both from out of state, so this was a special time. Unfortunately, travel doesn't always agree with little ones, and the two little fells were a little out of routine and pretty sleepy..I can relate..I get the same way when I'm out of routine! I think we still managed to get some great photos for you. I had so much fun meeting you all. I hope you are having a great trip! Thanks for having me out today!
Not real traditional, but I think it capture Grandma and Granpda and their crew..I really love this one!

Don't they look like a picture frame family?!

Told you they were all beautiful!

Just the kids

The whole group

Aww..finally he got to go sleep! So sweet :)