Yes, this little Mr. B. really was perfect. He is 9 days old today. He is such a little doll, and did great at his first photo session. He slept so great and let me play with some fun new hats and things I have gotten. Then we woke up a bit to show us his beautiful eyes. Congratulations on your little miracle M. family. He is too precious!
Love this! This is my new "honeybear" hat..and what a little honey he is!

Again, a new pod..he seemed to like

Love how curled up he is..if you look close you can see little toes by his hands

Beautiful eyes..this looks great in black and white, but wanted to show of those beautiful eyes

Almost a little grin here..must be having sweet dreams

A few family ones in black and white
Love how he is looking at his daddy here

Finally, the new family