This morning, I got to hang out with these handsome little guys! I titled this post Busy Boys, and that is the truth! They gave me a workout playing with them today, but we had lots of fun!! They had such a fun backyard full of toys, and a fun playset. There is no lack of love in this house, which I think is pretty clear in this preview. We snuck in some more posed shots in the beginning, and then just kind of captured who they are as a family, lots of fun, love and playing! I had a great time meeting your beautiful family today! Enjoy your preview!
Love this - Brothers!

Handsome Big Brother

And the little man

Fun on the slide

I wish I had a photo like this of me and my the love

This one too, the expression of Dad just swinging with his son..we all should take the time like this to just stop play with and enjoy our little ones - I can only imagine how fast these moments will go by

And of course, with two boys, you have to take time to wrestle

Some family fun on the playset

Your post has gotten me all sentimental now, and I feel like I need to spend lots of time tomorrow out playing and enjoying Avery! Thanks for letting me spend the morning with you!