This little beauty is 10 days old, and I got to take her photos yesterday. She didn't want to miss any action, and wanted to make sure we got plenty of pics of her pretty eyes...and we did. She did finally drift off to dreamland and we got some sleepy pics too. I had a great time meeting her, and her mom and dad. It turns out they are from Iowa too, so we had lots to chat about..including the Hawkeyes! Hope you enjoyed the game last night! :)
She is a lucky little girl, as I can already tell how adored and loved she is by her mom and dad. It was great meeting you this afternoon!
A new baby in the arms pose..I've been trying out some new this one - almost a smile in daddy's arms

The pink hat :)

Wow...she looks so big and alert in this pic..eye contact and everything. I don't always get that with newborns. She is beautiful!