Jennifer Bahn Photography: May 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

First of all,  Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers and soon-to-be mothers.  I hope your day was wonderful and you were treated like the queens you all are!  My day was great.  I'm so lucky to have the best mom and also the best daughter anyone could ask for.  They are beyond amazing.  I would be LOST without my mom, in so many ways.  She is my best friend,  my #1 Avery baby-sitter (I couldn't do this without her), and the best Nana I could've ever dreamed for my daughter.  She is just so amazing in so many ways and I'm so beyond blessed to have her as my mom.  Love you Mom!  I also shouldn't leave out my mother-in-law either.  I know I said my mom is the best Nana ever, then my mother-in-law is the best Grandma.  Seriously, Avery doesn't know how good she has it! :)  I know how lucky I am to not only have such an amazing mom, but such an amazing mother-in-law too.  I'm sure not everyone can say that, but I honestly can.  Love you too Roxy, and I'm SO lucky to have you as my second mom! :)  

I have to apologize for my bad blogging lately!  To be perfectly honest, this has been a crazy busy time of year.  As most of you know, I'm also a 4th grade teacher, and we are in the midst of testing season/winding down the school year and my 25 10 year olds are keeping me BUSY! 
I'm usually up until pretty late editing and working, and I've gotten bad about just posting preview on Facebook, as it's much quicker, so I usually just do that with the best intentions to blog them the next night, but then I'm on to the next task.  It is my May resolution to be better about it!  Anyway, not trying to make excuses, just being honest, but I promise I will be better!  I know not everyone has Facebook access, so I don't want to leave anyone out!

I also hope to add more posts on my blog about me, my family, and whatever else I may feel like, so that you can get to know me a little better too.  I feel so lucky to get to come into your homes and meet your families,  that it might be fun for you all to know a little more about me too.

Finally, I hope to add a new look to the blog here in the coming weeks.  It's first on my summer to-do list, to give my blog a face-life, so be on the lookout!  I can't post without a photo, so here is a snapshot of my daughter and mom on our visit to Florida to visit my brother this summer!  
I adore this photo!

Chunka Love! - Waconia Newborn Photographer

This chubba love little man was six days old when I photographed him on Monday, and he weighed 11 pounds when he was born!  Yes..11..I told him mama she deserved an award for sure..but she gets to keep this little man so I think that's reward enough!  I could've snuggled him up all evening.  Here is just a preview from our session!  Congrats again S Family!

Colton - Chanhassen Senior Portrait Photographer

Colton- Chanhassen 2011 Senior Rep

Jordan Senior Rep - Jordan MN Senior Portrait Photographer

Jordan Senior Rep - Beautiful Sammy!  LOVE these shots around Jordan!